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WordPress : Reset a Password via phpMyAdmin

In this quick tutorial, learn how to easily change your WordPress site password using cPanel. Whether you've forgotten your password or simply want to reset it for security reasons, I'll show you step-by-step how to access your database via phpMyAdmin and update your WordPress password in just a few minutes. Don't get stuck, follow this simple and secure guide! Subscribe for more tutorials on WordPress and website management.

Step 1: Access phpMyAdmin

  1. Log in to your hosting control panel (cPanel, Plesk, etc.).
  2. Find and click on the phpMyAdmin.

Step 2: Select database

Once in phpMyAdmin, in the left-hand pane, select the database associated with your WordPress site.

Step 3: Find the user table

  1. In the database, find the wp_users (the prefix wp_ may vary if you customized the tables when installing WordPress).
  2. Click on wp_users to display its contents.

Step 4: Change user password

  1. In the table wp_usersFind the user whose password you wish to change. You can identify the user by his or her username in the user_login.
  2. Click on the Edit (or Edit) next to this user.

Step 5: Reset password

  1. In the user_passdelete the existing value.
  2. Replace it with the new password. attentionyou need to change the encryption type to make it compatible with WordPress.
    • In the Function next to user_passselect MD5.
    • Enter the new password in plain text.

Step 6: Save changes

  1. Click on the Run (or Go) at the bottom of the page to save changes.

Step 7: Test the connection

  • Go to your site's WordPress login page (
  • Try logging in with the new password you've just set.

Your password should now be successfully reset. If necessary, you can disable MD5 encryption and switch to another algorithm after logging in via the WordPress interface for added security.
